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Unlock Your Online Business Success - Step by Step

Building Your Online Business Bootcamp

Bootcamp Closes May 22

With BYOB, you're not just joining a Bootcamp – you're becoming part of a vibrant and supportive community.

Learn from experienced instructors who have walked in your shoes and overcome challenges with grace.

We foster an environment where you can exchange ideas, get constructive feedback, and celebrate your achievements together.

Special Note!

The Bootcamp is now closed, it will return in the Fall of 2024.

If you would like to be notified please register here.

Take Steps to Change Your Future

Are you over 50 and eager to embark on an exciting journey into the world of online business?

Look no further!

We're thrilled to invite you to our exclusive online Bootcamp designed specifically for individuals like you – Baby Boomers and Gen Xers seeking to thrive in the digital realm.

Specifically designed for those of us over the age of 50.

Subject to change

Bootcamp Agenda

Bootcamp Returns in the Fal

Some of what you can expect in BYOB 24

Starting the Right Business

Having delivered this Bootcamp multiple times, I have discovered one of the biggest challenges we face is knowing exactly what it is we should be doing.
In this introspective lesson we ask you the hard questions so we can come up with the right answers.

The Social System

The Social System is our blueprint for building an online business using social networks.
The Social System is built on 5 Pillars

  • Platform
  • Process
  • Promotion
  • Products
  • Profit

Every Online Business will use the Social System.


What we do, in the Social System is also often referred to as "Content Marketing" because we provide a steady stream of valuable content to our social networks, building a relationship with potential customers.

It can be intimidating having to constantly "feed the beast," creating a seemingly neverending supply of content.

This lesson teaches you how to create a content plan to ensure you always have something valuable to share.

They Ask, You Answer

This is, without doubt, my favourite lesson in the Bootcamp.
They Ask, You Answer is the philosophy that comes as close to guaranteeing online success as anything I have ever experienced.
This concept has propelled countless online businesses (including mine) to success.

Online Business Toolkit

One of the most intimidating aspects of building an online business is knowing which tools and services to use. Making the right choice can often make the difference between struggling and success.

In this lesson, we help you identify the best tools for your venture.  

Platform and Promotion

In this first lesson, we dive into the concept of Platform, which is essentially how we build an online presence, and find our audience and customers.

Success online often comes down to how well you promote yourself and your product. For many of us this is an eye-opening and exciting lesson; others will find this one of the most uncomfortable aspects of building an online business.

AI is Everywhere

Nothing in our experience has ever impacted how we do business in as short a time as the growth of AI.
AI is impacting every aspect of online business, and for this Bootcamp, we have rewritten every lesson to incorporate the changes, challenges and opportunities AI brings to the table,


It all comes down to that old bottom line. Are you making money?

In this final installment of the Social. System, we build the final pillar of our online business,

There are a lot of ways to make bank in the online world. We cover them all in this fascinating lesson.


Every online business needs a storefront, and your Website serves that and many other purposes.
In this lesson we teach you what every website needs and how to implement it.,

Listbuilding and Funnels

The old addage "The Money is in the List" is still accurate.
Building and growing your email list and nurturing that list, ,moving your prospects through the customer journey is a crucial part of any successful online business.


Why Join the BYOB Bootcamp?

Discover the Power of Your Experience:

We believe that experience is the invaluable asset that sets you apart from younger generations.

Don't let ageism or feelings of underappreciation hold you back.

Seize the opportunity to unlock your entrepreneurial potential and build a successful online business – be it a side hustle or a full-time gig.

I have attended Steve's BYOB Bootcamp three times and each time I get more useful tools and techniques.

If you want to learn how to create an online business, this is the place ... and it's free.

Careful, it is addictive and you, like me, will return for more!

— Ron K

Is it really free? Aren’t you going to sell me something?

Yes it is free, I promise.
This course is free and complete; elsewhere, you will pay up to $2500 for the same training. (I know because I have taken those courses)

So what is the catch? Aren’t you going to sell me anything?

Yes, once the Bootcamp is over and you have learned all you can from it, we will be opening the doors to our paid membership site.


If you are on the path to building or growing an online business.
If you like our teaching style.
If you agree with our philosophy
If you appreciate the incredible community we have built.

...you will see the value of our community and you will be offered membership.

I will indeed sell to you, but only when we know that what I am selling is what you want and need.

Register Now for the BYOB Bootcamp and Let Your Entrepreneurial Journey Begin!

"Craft a future that is defined by your achievements, not your age."

Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to build your own online business and secure your financial future.

Remember, the internet isn't just for the younger generation - your experience and skills are invaluable assets.

Are You

✦ Worried about future employment?
We'll equip you with the skills to create your own destiny.

✦ Concerned about your financial future?
Discover how an online business can provide financial stability.

✦ Feeling forced into reluctant retirement?
Embrace a new chapter and create your own success story.

✦ Seeking appreciation and fair compensation?
Your contributions deserve recognition and reward.

✦ Longing to follow your heart and purpose?
Unleash your passion and translate it into a thriving business.

✦ Striving to remain relevant and avoid marginalization?
Embrace the digital era and embrace your potential.

✦ Curious about technology and AI?
Let us demystify the tech world and show you its potential.

Closed: Returning in the fall.

Holy smokes this is a fun community in which the daunting and intimidating is made accessible and often funny.

It has a "chill" vibe yet is packed, PACKED with next-decade info vital for our business endeavours.

Our sessions are often the highlight of my week.

Steve's approachableness (Cdn!) makes it all work.

— Nancy Z